Tuesday, December 16, 2008

a semester's end.

well its been a long time coming.
both this school year AND me writing a blog.
i wouldn't be on here really if it weren't for my sister.
i suppose thats a complaint and a thanks ;)

like i said, this semester has been rough.
for the last two weeks of class, i had over 11 projects/papers due :0
and of course exam week consisted of: 3papers & 3tests!!
thank God it is all finally over...
but i'm grateful because i feel as though i may have learned more in this year than i can ever remember. and i know this next semester will be amazing! and i'll again learn so much.

graduation is in 143 days.
where to go from there?
i'm looking at out of state...
nashville? chicago? boston? colorado springs?
i'm completely open to suggestions!

this was a lame post..
better luck next time :)


LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

i would love to see you blog more Daniella! Hope we can keep you encourage to keep it up!

Denise said...

WELCOME! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

Nicole said...

Welcome to blog world! :) Its SOO addicting once you get into it.