Sunday, December 28, 2008

christmas blues.

i love Christmas. there is a rush that is like no other. like you are giving and selfish all at the same time, but it's okay because it's Christmas. i mean, we're supposed to have a wishlist right? and of course we'll buy people other gifts, greater than what they got us, even if our pocketbooks really can't handle it. i mean it may take people all year to make up the difference of money spent at Christmas, just in time to spend it all again. i mean it's a lot to spend on, especially with the fact that it takes the whole month (even some of november) to prepare and celebrate the joyous occasion, i mean it's just wild. and please don't get me wrong because ... i LOVE Christmas! but now that it is gone, i have a case of the Christmas blues...

all of our extended family were together for Christmas eve and Christmas day. they all left really early the very next morning and it just seems so odd. i mean i've been listening to all the tunes, watched all the movies, and baked all the goods. and now it's all over. it's like i can't listen to the music anymore because the day is gone. and the food, well once we've eaten it all, there's no time or effort left to make more. after all, we only had Christmas shaped cookie cutters anyway...
i mean, let's be real. Christmas is the only holiday that we celebrate for more than the actual day. like i said, we take the whole month to prepare for it. and within the simple stroke of midnight, it's done. and you get a sense of .."what was all my hard work really for?"..

i get the Christmas blues every year. i'm just now letting it all out...hah. Christmas has been more of an emotional time for me this year than i thought it would be. my prayer now will be that God will still be the reason for the season in my heart and in the hearts of my loved ones for any and all seasons that are to come. hopefully all the hullabuloo won't leave me so blue for long :)

thanks for listening.

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