Saturday, April 4, 2009


one thing to know about me: i love working-out.
now, with that said, i do not work out as often as i would like to.
[aside from this morning when i ran a 5K race in honor of Kirk Goodwin. my time was 30.32!]
but lately, i've been athletically involved in a intramural team for volleyball.
our team is siggie white. and we are fun.
we are not serious by any means, but have a great time playing.
and to be honest, we're not all that bad. although our record remains 0-2...

i was declared captain by my teammates at our first game.
i have created one rule, and one rule only: always give high-fives.
no matter how awful or how good the person did, always high-five!
during the first game, i felt like such an influence to these girls, even if it was just by encouragement. i'm the only senior on the team and i felt like a captain.

to be honest, i don't know what made me think of high-fives, 
but i did have an epiphany.
i graduate college in 5 weeks. what kind of legacy am i leaving for these girls? what will they say of me when i am gone? what can i do to make a little bit of difference in their mind? or to stand out against the sea of followers... and then it hit me, high-fives. as silly as it may seem, i want to just be a leader even if it is only by the encouraging words that i can give. it's been a rough year with wasted time on my own self. i want to give back to these amazing girls that are in my daily life only for a little bit longer. 

i love volleyball but more so, i love our team. since the first game, when i run into these girls around campus, we always high-five and then a big hug. i ask how they're doing and we leave feeling loved. i guess even something simple can begin to bring people together no matter where they are at in life...

just a thought.

peace, love, and high-fives.

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